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Saturday, September 14, 2019

Meaning concept and, scope of sociology of education

Meaning of sociology

Sociology can simply be defined as a scientific study of human behaviour in groups. it can also mean a science that deals with the investigation and analysis of human relationship, their causes and also their consequenses, it also mean the science of the society and the central theme of sociology and its various institutions may includes family,class structure,economy, and religious beliefs.
It is a branch of science that studies the relationship of people and individuals and as groups and the influence of other social conditions on such relationships.
      Sociology also attempts to examine the various ways in which the groups controls the members as well as how those groups changes over time or particular period.

Meaning concept and, scope of sociology of education

Education is one of the institutions in the society which affects and it is affected by the social environment in which it operates.

Friday, September 13, 2019

concept of educational Research and the structure of school project

research project

concept of educational Research and the structure of school project.

In this post we will discus in detail how to create or make your school project and explain in detail the concept of educational research, the meaning of educational research and how the structure of a good research work should be. 

But now let us define what is an educational research?

what is an educational research?

Educational research can simply explain as the study of different educational theories and evaluating them, that is is the study and evaluating of different educational theories.
By which this kind of work tries to covers almost all the educational levels ranging from the preschool up to the post graduate schools levels.

Therefore the purpose of educational research is to tries to develop or make different educational theories, methodologies and evaluate the success of all of these concept in practice.
   since we have gain an idea of the definition of educational research by now we will proceed to the four main areas  educational research.

Four main areas of educational research

we have four four main areas of educational research and almost all of these four areas area tries to investigate how brain functions and the different aspect of learning.
what you shall know is that the ideas and the theories that are developed during  the educational research provide the basis of educational system and are published.
  1. Sociological educational research.
  2. Psychological educational research.
  3. Biological  educational research.
  4. Analytical educational research.

so let us try to explain then one after the other.

Sociological Educational Research 

In sociological school of thought educational research is mainly focuses based on the impact of family structure, economical impact, the level of the parental improvement , siblings and other social and societal issues.The main theory is that success in education and related pursuits is deeply affected by the student family situation. Education research provides a method of evaluating which this unique strategies might help the students succeeds

Psychological educational research

In psychological educational research it focuses based on the varieties that is different kinds of learning styles and the most effective way on how to teach based on each style.It tries to explore the importance of atmosphere ,presentation,delivery method and even also the student and teacher interaction. In this school of tghought they also explore the impact of personality on educational absorption.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Recharge codes for all Banks in Nigeria.


      You can recharge your phone from your bank account using these codes easily just by dialing them which Will reduce your stress of purchasing recharge cards from vendors. I think it is the most easiest way if you have bank account in Nigeria.

        So, in this post I will list the bank names and the codes that you have to dial to recharge using your phone, Note that you have to recharge based on the balance that you have in your bank, because because when you recharge above your balance your operation will not take place, so let's go directly to the list of the banks and the codes that you will dial.

1. Diamond Bank Recharge codes.
     For those that has account in Diamond Bank, they can simply recharge using there phone by just dialing *937*Amount# then send, for example if you want recharge 500 Naira just dial *937*500# then send, after your transaction was completed you will receive notification.

2. Access Bank code.
        For those that there account is in Access Bank they can simply dial using there phone *901*Amount# then send. For example if you want to recharge 500 naira you will dial *901*500# after you send you will receive notification as your transaction was completed.

3. Eco Bank code.
           For those that have their account in Eco bank they can simply dial using there phone *326*Amount# then send, for example if you want to recharge 1000 Naira just dial *326*1000# then you send, after that as soon as your transaction was completed you will receive notification.

4. Fidelity Bank Recharge code.
         For those that there account is in Fidelity Bank they can simply use there phone to dial *770*Amount# then send , for example if you want to recharge 1000 Naira just dial *770*100# then send after your transaction was successfully completed you will receive notification.

5. FCMB  Bank code.
          For those that are customers of Fcmb bank they can simply dial on their phones *322*214*Amount# then send for example if you want to recharge 1000 Naira you will just dial *322*214*1000# then after you send and your transaction was successfully completed you will receive notification.

6. First Bank code.

         For customers of First Bank Nigeria Limited they can recharge using their phones by just dialing *894*Amount# then send, for instance if you want to recharge 500 Naira  dial *894*500# then after you send you will receive notification.

7. Jaiz Bank  code

For those that are customers of jaiz bank, they can simply recharge using their phones by just simply dialing *389*307*Amount# then send, for instance to recharge 1000 Naira you just dial *389*307*1000# then send after that you will receive notification after your transaction was being successfully completed.

8. GTBank Recharge code.

     To recharge your phone using your GTBank account you should simply dial *737*Amount# and Send,  for example to recharge 100 naira just dial *737*100# and send, but if you want to recharge another person's mobile line like family and friend you have to dial *737* Amount* person's number# and then send.

9. Heritage Bank code.
      For those that their account is in Heritage Bank, they can simply recharge their phones using by just dialing  *322*030*Amount# then send, for example to recharge 1000 Naira just dial *322*030*100# after you send when the transaction was successfully completed you will receive notification.

10. Keystone Bank.
        For those that are customers of keystone Bank they can recharge their phones by simply dialing *322*082*Amount# and then send, for instance to recharge 500 Naira just simply dial *322*082*500# then send, and once the transaction was successfully completed you will be notified.

11. Skye Bank code.
       For those that are customers of Skye Bank to recharge their mobile line using their phones they can simply dial *833*Amount# then send, for example to recharge 1000 Naira just simply dial *833*1000# then send .

12. Stambic IBTC Bank code.
       For those that there Account is in Stambic IBTC Bank they can recharge their phones by simply dialing  *909*Amount# And Send, for example if you want to recharge 500 Naira dial *909*500# and then send, after the transaction was being successfully completed you will receive notification.

13. UBA Bank. Recharge codes.
       For the customers of UBA Bank Nigeria Limited they can simply recharge their mobile line by just dialing, *919*Amount# and send, for instance if you want to recharge 1000 Naira just dial *919*1000# after you send and the transaction was successfully completed you will receive notification.

14. Sterling Bank Recharge code.
       For those that have an account in Sterling Bank they can also recharge their phones by simply dialing *822*Amount# then send, for example if you want to recharge 500 Naira just dial *822*500# after you have send you will Notification.

15. Union Bank Recharge code.
        For union Bank customers they can simply recharge their mobile line by simply dialing *389*032*Amount# then send For example if you want to recharge 100 Naira just simply dial *389*032*100# and then send when the transaction was being successfully completed you will receive notification.

16. Zenith Bank code.
      For those that have their account in Zenith bank they can recharge their mobile lines by simply dialing *966*Amount# and send, for instance if you want to recharge 200 Naira just dial *966*200# and send, after your transaction was being successful you will receive notification.

16. Unity Bank Recharge code.
        For unity bank customers they can recharge their mobile line by simply dialing *322*215*Amount# and Send, for example if you want to recharge 500 Naira just dial *322*500# and Send once the transaction was being successfully completed you will receive notification.

18 Wema Bank code.
For those that have their account in Wema Bank they can recharge their mobile line by simply dialing *322*035*Amount# and send for example if you want to recharge 100 Naira just dial *322*035*100#.

      So the above mentioned list are the banks name and the codes that you have to dial in order to recharge your mobile line, But Note the codes works only with the mobile line that you have registered with your bank account. That's it for comments you can drop it on comment section below and you can also subscribe by email to receive updates from this site, thanks.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

How to become Web Developer Easily

    To become a web developer is among the good choice that you can make if you are willing to do it, because in nowadays there is huge demand of web developers and most of those that have been already enrolled into the field of web are gaining more advantages for that, that's why they have many opportunities to work in many fields.
     Web development is a field that is always expanding due to innovations of modern technologies like smartphones and tablets because both of all these devices they make use of apps and there is a huge demand of those people that knows how to create these apps, Becoming web developer need some hard work and passion of that field because only when a person is in great desire of something can do it well.

        So let's talk about some of the requirements you need to have to become a web developer.

1. You have to know what skills you shall learn to become Web developer.

     Of cause definitely you need to be familiar about some skills before you become a web developer, in this post we will talk about most important skills.

     Firstly you need to what programming Language to learn before you become Web Developer, some of these Languages includes HTML & CSS especially HTML which is the building block of website. HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language, it has many tags like some of other programming Languages and when you finish your work you have to save it as .html and you can run it on your browser.

         Another language is CSS which is used for designing website to make it very attractive, using css you can customize colors, fonts and many other design functions, also you have to learn javaScript which is used for the movement of the website.

        Another thing is that you have to be familiar with server site programing Languages like PHP, java , Python, Ruby and many other programing Languages which are mostly used to make dynamic websites, you also need to get familiar with graphic design tools which are used for editing photos, resizing,cropping and many other designing properties, some of the most popular tools includes Adobe Photoshop, coral draw extra.

2.  wha companies are looking for?

     Most of the companies wants to hire or employ a web developer who actually acquired many codifications, and most of these companies want to employ the one with bachelor's degree, because almost every individual that has computer science degree has experience about web development, database management, mathematics and Networking, but not all companies some big companies like Google, Apple,IBM the best thing they want is the skills.

3. Understand that the web development is a demanding career.

   As I have already talk about it previously it is a demanding job a web developer has many chance to work, he can be hired as a freelancer earning huge amount of money depending on the project he is doing , a web developer can finds tons of freelance works online at website like freelancer, upwork, fivver and many other websites that I didn't mention here.

Also Read:Top and best way to learn software Development

                   The most easiest way to start with mobile Application Development

       Besides that a web developer can be employed by some of companies, most of the big companies pay a  web developer hug amount of money as his salary, this depends upon his qualifications and experience.

        Another thing is that as a web developer you have already knows how things work you  have already learned some programming Languages you can start solving problems with your knowledge that is to start making some projects that helps people around the world to solve there problems.

        So from here i hope you have get something , so if there is comments or suggestions majeure to drop it on comments section, thanks.

Monday, December 17, 2018

Why you should use VPN to become safer and smarter on the Internet

Virtual private network image

Why you should use VPN to become safer and smarter on the Internet?

   In Nowadays almost everyone loves Internet, because  you can find a lot of things like education resources, entertainments and many other aspects of life you can come across with it in the Internet.

     As you have probably heard about VPN, for daily activities whether it is at home or travel. VPN is served as a network that you can browse and very secured on the Internet, because in nowadays you have to be aware that the Internet is not secured that's why you need VPN because hackers and many other many other unwanted activities govern some people's activities on the Internet if is not been taken, so let's see the definition of VPN and why you shall use it to become safer and smarter online.

      VPN is an abbreviated word which simply means Virtual private networks, VPN is a private network that was being extended to a public network, a VPN can be use to send data and receive data both public or among the shared network if computer devices are connected to the private network.

       The main reason why VPN is called virtual private network is that it is virtual  as a result of you have a privately owned network that you have been connected to the device or website, it is called private because all the website you have visited or you are visiting the online activities is between you and the website you visit's, and finally it's called a network because you are using a network that covers  the entire globe.
      If you want to go online without being tracked or monitored so VPN is the most secured way to go without being tracked or monitored because in today's world the freedom is harder to find.

          How Virtual private network is?.

  Virtual private network services possess the some of these features and that's all a little you need to know about VPN.

1. A virtual private network is a network or service that you can sign up and keep paying them a small amount of money per month or per year, but most of the companies you have to pay them per year.

2.Another thing is that by the time you want to use your VPN network you have to on it to continue your activities online.

3.VPN networks possess the ability to assign a temporary Ip address and hide your original or true  Ip address while you have connected to their network, this is why it gives you an ability to go any where online anonymously and makes your internet connection more safer and secured which can gives you an ability to get around censored sites and blocks.
      The big problem you have to be aware of it is your Ip address so you need to hide it in some cases, and the reason that makes your Ip address the big problem is that it is the number that was already assigned to your computer,phone or any device that you are using to go anywhere on the Internet, and some times among the disadvantages of it is that it gives your computer location so you can be easily tracked using your Ip address, that's why it is easily for governmental organization to tracked to tracked your location, also some times if you are visiting some of websites for example business they knows you not just for your name but as a result of your Ip address and the big issue is hackers which can take over devices as a result of your Ip address break networks and many other legal and illegal activities that many hackers delve into it.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

The most easiest way to start with making mobile Application

Learn mobile Application

    In nowadays mobile Application  market is booming as a result of new technological innovations that arise, also new research shows that around 95℅ percent of people mostly teenagers make use of smart phone where around 45℅ are connected to the Internet.

      So as a result of that there are many opportunities that arise because since we can use our smart phones to perform many activities of life like in the field of education,busines, and many other things so I think it is important for a person to know how to make mobile Applications, so in this post I will like to show you the most easiest way to get started with mobile Applications.

        To start making mobile Application you have to decide what type of Application do you want to make for example Android app, windows phone or iPhone apps and where or how you can easily learned it.Lets see them on after the other.

1.Android Application's.
Android Application photo
    To get started with android apps you have have to learn atleast one      object oriented programming language like java, kotlin, c++ and Python, but I highly recommend you to learn either java or kotlin because they are mostly used by programers and have good support in online forums especially java and make sure to master every programing Language you choose because of huge resources that you will find online.

     There are many places that you can learn Java online both free and paid example i will list two here like sololearn , udemy and many other online resources.

2.IOS or Iphone Apps.

In nowadays the market of Mobile apps is changing you can observe that most of the Android apps are free to use compare to Iphone Apps, as a result of that most of the people that operates Android apps uses free apps but in terms of IOS or Iphone users they spend a lot of money compared to those that uses Android device.
      Success stories are big enough to catch anyone's eye, if you have next big idea then is your turn, may be it is easier than you think just what remains to you is that to get some codding skills, graphic design and be patient.

      The functional programming language that you need to familiarize yourself is objective-C, if you have experience of C or Java programming language you can easily understand it , it is also object oriented programming language, another language is that Swift which is more modern and possess friendly syntax.

      You can find various of tutorials books and many references that are available online, some of the most popular Swift and objective-C communities includes: Apple Developer forum, Stackoverflow and iPhone SDK Google Group, you can also search for varieties of online communities that would help you to achieve your goals.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Top and Best ways to learn Software Development


      In this post I will like to show you or to guide you how to become a software developer that is to start making software.But before we proceed let me try to give you an advice, the best way to succeed in every aspect of life is to have passion of what you want to do to have interested about it, and you have be patient about any situation, because in this life you can't make positively go forward unless you overcome some challenges, and you have to be confidence of what you are doing and never give up.
          So let's go further to the best ways that you can make practice of in your journey to software development.

1.Learn the basics of programing Languages.
     The secret behind to become software developer is that you master the basics of programing Language that you are interested in because if you go further in your career the basics will help you to know how things are working perfectly.

2.Find the source where you will learn it.
      If you possess an academic degrees may serve as an advantage to  you, but in nowadays due to the rapid Technological inovation of  the internet you can learn whatever you want to learn while you are at home or  any place you find yourself, their are many places that you can learn online both between free and paid couses like:


It is among the best places to learn programing Languages especially website programing, the great thing about it is that you can learn and practice using their website for free they offered course like Html,css,javascript,php and many other courses that I haven't listed in this post.


     Another great place to learn is freecodecamp because in free code camp you can find great tutorials about many programing Languages especially website programing Languages, and also another thing good about it is that you can have many challenges to do and they have formed forum where you can chat with many programers.
3.Ask questions about anything you find it difficult.

At this moment for the one who is not self taught that is the one attend academic schools he can easily ask questions to his tutor or his colleagues about errors that he encounters, but what about self taught, so what self taught one has to do is that any errors or problems you come across with go to online forum like quora, stackoverflow, Facebook groups and many other online places ask questions their is a great support because you can find tons of professional programers there, because one thing you have to know is that before you encounter any  problem someone already came across with it.

    4.Practicing what you have learned.

You have to keep practicing what you have learned because practice makes perfect even 30 minutes everyday you will keep progressing, some programmers or most of the programers suggest 100 days of code that is , if you take that and make it into practice it will upgrade you because for example to practice a single programing Language up to 100 days at this level you have already mastered most or even all of the topics.

5.Start creating your projects

 At this level after you have applied all the previous steps you have to thing about how to solve problems, that is  by creating your own project that helps people to solve there problems, some people says that solve problems of others and your problems will also be solved.
       Conclusively, you have to now that a good software developer is a problem solver which helps to solve problems of people, so if you have comment or suggestion drop me at the comments  link ,thanks.